User:Manifestation Miracle Review

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Did you get it the way you wanted to? Perhaps not. Maybe now you are upset because you lost this unpeaceful friend. Maybe what you really wanted was this friend and not peace in your life. Can you change your mind now? Well maybe yes and maybe no. But the real question is, why did you intend peace when you really didn't want it? Manifestation Miracle Review

So my point is to be sure that what you are intending is what you really want. You are going to get it. You are not going to control how you get it. So you better really want it under any circumstance no matter what.

And remember too that even a passing thought can be an intention if it has the gas of emotion behind it. Some people go through their day thinking, " Oh, if only I didn't have to go to work today". They push the button and then they can't start their car. They call work and say they cannot come in. This makes them feel bad and embarrassed and limited. So they call the car repair and go through all the work to take the car to the repair shop and they feel miserable and they think, "Man I hate that job so much! They make me feel so bad whenever I can't make it work. This is not my fault! I hate that job anyway." And now the machine is at work making you lose your job. So you finally get home and think, " Well I have the day off now and I can get a lot of things done around the house. Yes that will be good!" And the machine brings all the things you have to do at home into manifestation for you and you are suddenly working like a dog trying to get things done at home. And you think "Boy, I wish my spouse and kids would pick up after themselves so I didn't have to do all this work. Why are they such piggys!" And you push the button on the manifestation machine. And the kids come home from school and you are already angry with them and you shout at them and they are disobedient and unruly. And your spouse comes home and gruffly says, "Where's dinner?" and you just blow up at your spouse. The family eats take out.