Halo 4

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Halo 4 is a very glitchy game, much like Halo 2. It is very easy to get out-of-bounds, although OoB areas are rarely modeled. Objects also despawn quickly and often.

Halo 4 speedrunning is still unoptimized and the game has a lot of potential yet to be found.

Halo Runs record page: http://www.haloruns.com/records?lb=600 (click the timestamps for video links)

Level Strategies

Movement Techniques

Box Launching (Gravity Hammer)

File:Halo 4 Trick - Box Launching on "Midnight"
Box launching with the hammer in H4.

Box launching returns from Halo 3, although it is now harder to gain horizontal distance. On the bright side, it is a lot easier to gain vertical height, by means of standing on top of one. There aren't very many opportunities for box launching, as the Gravity Hammer only spawns on the last mission, Midnight. This is arguably the best use for it.

Box Launching (Railgun)

Find any box, get on top of it, fire a shot at the ground and you should get launched upward. Obviously, foot placement is important. It can be combined with other explosives to achieve even greater height, ideally done on Co-op. Cowbell is not necessarily required.

Grenade Jumping

Halo 4's grenade jumps are significantly less consistent than other games in the series.


Halo 4 added a new race of enemies called Prometheans. They are basically like Tron robots that tend to be bullet sponges.

Promethean Knights

Knights often use Suppressors and LightRifles. They are capable of teleporting and have a fast shield recharge rate. They often use teleport to give their shields time to recharge. They lack a visual cue for shield damage unlike Elites. They are also harder to exploit in close combat. They can deploy Watchers from their carapace, although this is usually scripted. Knights can come in three forms.

Knight Lancers are similar to normal Knights, but they are more likely to abuse teleport. They possess a distinctive zig-zag charge attack, which is very predictable, avoidable, and is rarely used.

Knight Battlewagons have orange spikes on their back. They are similar to normal Knights, but they are harder to approach due to their Scattershot. Besides that, the only thing you have to worry about is their unique jump attack, which is also rarely used.

Knight Commanders are fiery in appearance and almost always have an Incineration Cannon. They possess an overpowered explosive jump which can be devastating.


They should have been called Wretched. Imagine every Drone/Engineer having a fast recharging shield, massive bundles of health, a spammable gun (that everyone generally hates), the ability to defend each other, produce a dozen Grunts out of thin air, and deflect grenades thrown at them or their allies. Then imagine them having a ridiculously small and peculiar hitbox, being able to move at the speed of light, and fleeing from every goddamn battle. Also consider the possibility of a single Knight spewing dozens of these from it's back like some kind of fucking mobile factory. Oh, and these guys can resurrect their dead commanders. They will swarm you at every waking moment; cover is rarely an option so keep your distance when you can. They are very spammable, although this is underutilized in Campaign (thank God).

Basically, they are pure evil and should be prioritized first. And don't forget to hate them, they will supersede every enemy in the annoying category. They will aggro you, throw you into despair, and cause you to lose a lot of speed.

Fortunately, their devotion to their commanders oh so often puts them in jeopardy. Sometimes, all you have do is kill a single Knight and every Watcher in the vincinity will naively vie for the task of resurrection, becoming extremely vulnerable. It's very easy to sprint/jetpack past when there's only a few of them flying around. Some Watchers will spawn with a scripted task in mind e.g. spawn a Promethean turret, giving you ample amount of time to engage or run past them. Also, if you have an automatic weapon, you can send them packing with a few bursts, giving you enough time to take out a bunch of Crawlers or a Knight. They can be quickly taken out with ranged precision rifles, especially snipers. With the main rifles, it only takes 3-5 precise shots to their eye, which is fucking small. Goddamn it


Skirmisher reincarnate, but generally a lot less damage spongy and more inclined to stay in one spot. They are arguably the only well-balanced Promethean enemy. Headshot them. Just watch out for the Binary Crawlers that have a big circle where their face should be - they will one-shot you.