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  • Game: Halo 4
  • Beginner Goals: Easy: ~8:30; Legendary: ~9:30

  • Intermediate Goals: {{{time2}}}

  • World Class Goals: {{{time3}}}

  • IL Records: {{{time4}}}

  • Segmented Times: {{{time5}}}

    Halo 4 level navigation

    - - Dawn - Requiem

Dawn is the first level in Halo 4. See Halopedia for general information.

Dawn Info

- This mission plays faster on the Master Chief Collection in comparison to the Xbox 360 version due to loads, enemy spawn locations, and enemy behavior.

- Most efficient strategy for moving through the hallways is to pick off the elite units first. This causes the grunts to scatter and not shoot at the player.

- Fastest way to take down elites is by using the "noob combo" (Plasma Pistol and Magnum).

Full Mission Tutorials

- Easy Full Mission Tutorial by Egg92.Tutorial

- Legendary Full Mission Tutorial by c0ry123.Tutorial

Observation Deck

- Easy Clear Example.

- Legendary Clear Example.

Outside Routes From Slowest to Fastest on Legendary

- Junk Jump: (Without Concussion Rifle) Used mostly on the 360 version of Halo 4 because the concussion rifle is not easy to obtain. Example.

- Slower Concussion Jump: (With Concussion Rifle) Faster than junk jump, but is the slower than the concussion jump. Example.

- Faster Concussion Jump: (With Concussion Rifle) The fastest route, but is more difficult to pull off. (Find Link below)

Other Dawn Strategies

- <b>80%+ Plasma Pistol - Used on Legendary, take a plasma pistol after 1st clear and swap it with an assault rifle. The plasma pistol wont despawn so u can take it after 2nd clear. Tutorial

- "Hard" Concussion Jump - Used on Legendary, very hard concussion jump, located next to the easy one. This one is very tricky, you need to use this Setup and shots 4 times with ur concussion rifle. Tutorial